Cody News Number 10  - February 2000

Johan Paulik

I definitely want Johan on my swim team.  He doesn't haveta do anythin - just stand there!

No - my name is not Calvin.


The winner gets a what job?

You're right Cody, this is pretty relaxing.

A bee? Where?

Hi - I'm leavin on a swim tour l8er this arvie so I've arranged for a friend to download this news and letya know about it.   I will be away for just about a week.    Enjoy the pics.

Both Wingnut and Mark made the swim team but I knew that Mark was an excellent swimmer anyway.   Wingnut made the team, although he battled with the short distances.  I guess he's like me - the longer distances like 200 and 400 suit us better.   At one stage he was pretty worried that he wasn't goin to make the team.  

The start of Wingnut's first year in high school has been pretty cool.  He's got himself into the cricket team as well and that's all he does at every break, when he's not doin swim trainin.   Play cricket on the field with his buds.

The start of the school year has not been that easy.  Already got into a huge damn fight but most of it is sorted out.  Got a bit damaged but it's goin better - anyway it was only my face so it could only be an improvement right.

TJ told me that he now goes to gym regularly and does a lotta swimmin.   I asked if he swims in speedos and he says NO WAY.  He swim in Nike shorts.   Hehehehehe so I wrote a short story of how I reckon it went when he went to buy it.   I hope to put it up on the story site soon.

I have added three new Teen Warriors to Cody's Universe.   Even I've been recruited by that motley crew now.   

Most of the pics on this page are thumbs, so you just needta click on them to get the larger, clearer pic.  Some of the pics have mouseover captions.  I've put some of my fav sportin pics on this page - hopeya enjoy them.

Thanx again for all the mail that I've received.   A few guys have asked to be included in my friends page and I'll sort that out when I get back from the tour.   You guys just needta understand sometimes when I can't answer mail - and it's been relaly hectic this first quarter at school.

I found that pic of Johan Paulik and put the speedo on him.  Sorry that I hadta cover up that cute ass but I woulda been busted if I didn't - but like I said up there - I'd luv to have him on the school swim team.

Click on each pic of Chance to see the enlargement.

Sorry this news has been put together in such a rush but I know you guys (& gals - YEAH!) will understand.  

So thereya have it.

Cya L8er

Swap drugs for sport!


It doesn't smell.

You want to see if my WHOLE body is tanned?

Bugger off Cody, I am not going thru this routine again, just cos you're having a prob understanding it.

Island life can be cool but these damn flowers itch like shit.

Are you sure you're a dentist?

Bugger off - I'm relaxing.

I'll keep these on if you don't mind.

No I wont look, I'm shy.

Yes I am patriotic, so what?

Hey Cody, can I pull my top down now?  I am damn cold.


West Hollywood



No, you are not going to remove my chastity belt.

'til next time - CYA!


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